Visual Mockups

Prelogin Landing Screen
Designed with a user-centric approach, the login screen module seamlessly aligns with business requirements while adhering to best UX standards. This intuitive interface ensures a smooth and secure user experience, optimizing accessibility and efficiency for all users.

Change Password Screen
Designed with a user-centric approach, the login screen module seamlessly aligns with business requirements while adhering to best UX standards. This intuitive interface ensures a smooth and secure user experience, optimizing accessibility and efficiency for all users.

Post Login Dashboard Screen
Crafted to meet business requirements and uphold the highest UX standards, this dashboard offers a streamlined and intuitive interface. It enables users to access critical insights effortlessly, ensuring a productive and engaging user experience.

Library Page
Designed with simplicity and usability in mind, library page ensures a user-friendly experience for seamless navigation and efficient access to resources.

Profile Information Screen 1
Multi-step form is designed with UX principles to handle extensive details efficiently. Users can save their progress as a draft, ensuring a smooth and organized completion process.

Profile Information Screen 2
In this section, items are grouped for clear classification, and the lengthy form is divided into smaller, manageable sections for ease of use.

Profile information Screen 3
In this screen, you can see the completed process and track the user’s current position in the workflow.

Business Structure Screen
This screen clearly demonstrates how the business structure is designed from a UX perspective for ease of use.

Individual Owner Basic Info
This screen captures the user’s basic information with an aesthetically simple and minimalist design.

Executive Management
This screen captures detailed information related to ‘Executive Management,’ ensuring that all relevant data is accurately recorded and easily accessible.